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Monday, October 24, 2011


Hey everyone it's been a while!!
I'm really glad all you still read my posts even whem I'm not posting anything new ^^
I've been going through some trouble lately, there's quite a lot on my mind and on top of that my laptop also crashed >_<

Some days ago I tried to download a game some of my friends played. However it failed :s
Luckily I have an insurance for everything that happens with it. So I send it back to the shop for repair but it will most likely take 3-5 weeks. My twinsister is very kind to let me borrow her macbook once in a while but my mom found another solution for me being laptop-less for a few weeks. It seemed my uncle and aunt had an older laptop at home. They don't really need it anymore since it was replaced by a new laptop. So they were kind enough to let me borrow this one for some weeks ^^ It's a little bit slower than the one I always used and it takes a lot of patience but it is an improvement.
I still had a lot of photos for tutorials on my old computer so I hope they won't be gone if they repair it or I will be super-mega-sad :(

It's my vacation right now and I have been sleeping a lot. I was ill previous week and lost my voice :s
I'm almost better now but I still have a sore throat. I don't really know how to fill up my vacation but I think it will be a lot of crafting, sewing and sleeping.

Please excuse me for my lack of updates again!!!!!
Have a nice week :)


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